Thomas Edison, 1903: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

Who I Am:

I hold an Integrative Health Practitioner Certification and an Integrative Health Practitioner’s Weight Loss Specialty badge from the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, Group Fitness Certification (ACE), Barre Certification (Barre Intensity) and a PhD in 20th Century French Literature. Those areas of expertise are not unrelated, as it was through my yearly travels to France that I grew to admire holistic approaches to health.

I am a wife and mother: I have been married to Glenn for 31 years and counting, and I am the mother of two incredible young men: Nathaniel and Isaiah. I live and practice in Conway, AR.

My practice is dedicated to Glenn, Nathaniel, and Isaiah, who make a long and healthy life my dearest aspiration; and to my sister, Tina, who in saving her own life, also saved mine. And a special thank you goes to my Mom, JoAnn Hedrick, who helped make my dream of becoming an IHP a reality.

My Mission:

As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I am part of a global community dedicated to uncovering the root causes of discomfort and imbalance in the body. My mission is to empower individuals to achieve lasting wellness by addressing underlying factors, helping them lose weight, regain energy, and truly thrive. IHPs focus on healing the whole person through a comprehensive, integrative approach that supports overall well-being and seeks to empower individuals to take control of their health through gentle behavioral changes.

My Story:

My sister Tina’s diagnosis and successful battle against cancer in 2020—coupled with the global pandemic of the same year—inspired me to:

-redefine my notions of health and wellbeing: physical, mental, social, and psychological.

-appreciate different health needs amongst different demographics: the young, the middle-aged, the aging.

-recognize both immediate and long-term approaches to health concerns: immediate weight, nutrition, and exercise adjustments for overall health, and forward-looking strategies to age gracefully into bodies that will serve us.

My wellness practice approaches clients holistically in order to encourage habits that develop balance in all its forms: physical, mental, emotional, and social. Centered on the client’s well-being, my practice is sensitive to each individual’s resources, their personal history, and their behaviors: how a client eats, how they do or do not exert themselves physically through exercise, how they manage stress, how they interact relationally. This holistic preventative approach combines the healing traditions of Ayurvedic Medicine (the Science of Life), Bioregulatory Medicine (The Science of Self-Healing), Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbalism (the use of the Power of Herbs and Energy Practice to enhance Overall Wellness), Eastern Philosophy (the use of the Mind to Heal the Body), Traditional Naturopathy (the use of “Right Living” to ReBalance the Body), Orthomolecular Medicine (The Right Molecules in the Right Amounts), and Functional Medicine (Health Advice at the Functional, not the disease Level: Modern Naturopathic Medicine).

Disclaimer: Cathy Jellenik and her associates are natural health practitioners and do not diagnose, cure, or treat any illness or disease. For medical advice, please consult your primary care physician or licensed healthcare specialist.